Dear readers,
Some disappointing news: I was hoping to get out the next installment of SLASHboy (the much anticipated epic battle between Lexigal and Phrase Structure Ivy) before I left on a symphony tour to China. Alas, however, with the trip looming in three days and still some of my "day" job to take care of before then, it seems very unlikely! So with great apologies, I'll have to ask for you to wait until July!
But! some good news: Yes, SLASHboy will continue releasing installments throughout the summer. There is just too much planned that it can't wait until the beginning of the next school year! So, please stay tuned.
On that news, if you would like to receive an email whenever new SLASHboy (and the.Whiteboard) installments are posted, please send a quick email with your address to That way, you can stay in the loop and be the first to tell all of your friends what happens with Lexigal, her cat Egory, and Phrase Structure Ivy!
Happy summer, folks! (and until July!)
--SLASHboy Central